Full Day Public Speaking Class NYC

“Herman is a strong and knowledgeable facilitator and his public speaking class was well organized and easy to digest. It was informational and experiential – one of the best workshops I’ve participated in!”
Caitlin Leahy, Gap Inc.
Read more reviews..

One of the public speaking classes in NYC
One of the public speaking classes in NYC. All photos.

Learn the secrets of public speaking from the top-rated speaking coach in NYC.

✔️ Practice in a safe environment
✔️ Small group, so a lot of personal attention
✔️ Lunch included
✔️ Certificate of participation
✔️ After-class-email with tips and tricks
✔️ Over 400 positive reviews..


We also offer private coaching and corporate training.
And a follow-up to this class: the level 2 experience!

About the public speaking class

Join Herman Otten’s full-day group class and learn how to speak freely and with confidence in front of any audience. You’ll soon discover that you can even have fun doing it!

Throughout the day, we’ll focus on improving your posture, vocal tonality, content, visualization techniques, and how you emotionally connect during a presentation. Together we explore the psychological challenges linked to public speaking anxiety and learn effective techniques for managing and overcoming stage fright. When Herman observes you speaking, he can quickly spot areas where you can improve and will provide you with exercises to boost your presence.

By the end of the day, you’ll know how to deliver impactful and inspiring stories, empowering you in both social settings and public speaking engagements. Expect an interactive and engaging class where you’ll practice public speaking numerous times in front of fellow participants. Since you’ll learn to speak with minimal preparation, there’s no need to prepare anything for the public speaking class.

One of the public speaking classes in NYC
One of the public speaking classes in NYC. All photos.

Using the visual system

The visual system plays an important role in effective public speaking and that’s why we pay a lot of attention to it in class. Once you start visualizing your words, anxiety and uncertainty fade away. You’ll discover how to use your imagination to build confidence in front of any audience. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your perspective on public speaking can change.

About the group

We work in a small group of maximum 6 people so that you receive plenty of personal attention and have many chances to practice in front of the other participants. We help each other by giving helpful feedback in a safe, supportive and positive environment.

Is this class for me?

If you prefer learning in a group setting, this class is the right choice for you. Regardless of your skill level, you are more than welcome to join. A comforting fact: everyone is here for the same reason. This makes it a safe space to practice together and.. to get better!

After class

At the end of the public speaking class you will be provided with exercises you can always do by yourself to keep developing your skills. This is very important, because the more practice you put into your personal development, the better you will become. After class, you will receive an email with all the tips and tricks that were discussed in class.

“Herman’s public speaking course was such a great experience! I really felt that we all improved by the end of the day. I left the course feeling like I could firmly identify new things to work on leading up to the next time I will speak to an audience for work. I would recommend to anyone looking to improve upon their public speaking skills. Herman is also so patient, very easy to feel comfortable with and overall a great teacher!”
Daniela Ehrenreich, American International Group (AIG)
Read more reviews..

About the speaking coach

Herman Otten graduated as an actor from Utrecht University of the Arts in the Netherlands. He worked as a director and actor and is mostly known for his public speaking classes. With over fourteen years of coaching and teaching experience, he has helped thousands of people improve their skills and conquer their fear of public speaking.
Since 2020, Herman has been teaching his public speaking classes in New York City, where he has earned the reputation as the top-rated public speaking coach in the city. More about Herman.

Lunch at one of the public speaking classes in NYC
Lunch at one of the public speaking classes in NYC. All photos.

Practical information

Time: full day from 11 AM to 6 PM.
We have two 10 minutes coffee breaks and a 1 hour lunch break.
Location: In the heart of Manhattan at Ripley-Grier Studios, 520 8th Avenue.
Lunch: We have a great lunch together at a nearby Asian restaurant. Vegetarian and vegan options are available.
Price: $597 per person (a great lunch and water are included). Payment is possible via PayPal and credit card.
NOTE: WE HAVE A NO REFUND AND  RESCHEDULING POLICY! If you can’t make it, you may gift or sell your spot to someone else.

Let us know if you have any questions.
Or check out the frequently asked questions to find out if your answer is in there.